Ennerdale Consulting Ltd
Health and Safety Policy

1. Introduction

Ennerdale Consulting Ltd. has adopted a set of policies that reflects its concern for the health and safety of its directors, staff, associates, sub-contractors and clients.

This policy statement demonstrates the commitment given to health & safety issues and the endeavours being made to comply with relevant health & safety legislation, Approved Codes of Practice and regulations.

Through our Safety Charter, we aim to assess our responsibilities for health & safety matters and describe how we will meet these.

2. Our Business

Ennerdale Consulting Ltd. is a small management consultancy practice offering services to the not-for-profit sector and to companies seeking to trade in this area. We are exempted from section 2 (3) of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 by virtue of our current size. However, in anticipation of our future growth - and as an indication of the importance the company places on health & safety - we have voluntarily developed this policy statement.

Our existing and prospective client base requires our staff to travel throughout the United Kingdom and work on many of our client’s sites, including work on estates, construction sites and with members of the general public.

The commitment we undertake in this policy statement therefore reflects the nature of our business.

3. Our Commitment

The Company recognises that it has a responsibility to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain working conditions that are safe, healthy and comply with all statutory requirements and codes of practice.

The Company, so far as is reasonably practicable, will:

Take all practical steps to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all directors, employees, associates, subcontractors, customers and visitors to our premises.
Provide adequate working conditions for our directors and employees with proper facilities to safeguard their health and safety and to ensure that any work which is undertaken, so far as is reasonable, produces no risk to health or safety.
Ensure the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision so as to ensure the health and safety at work of directors, employees, associates, subcontractors and others.
Provide a safe means of access to and from the place of work.
Maintain a working environment that is safe, without risks to health and provide adequate facilities and arrangements for welfare at work.
Encourage directors, employees, subcontractors and others to co-operate in all safety matters; to identify hazards which may exist and to report any condition which may appear dangerous or unsatisfactory; and to ensure that each director, member of staff, associate and subcontractor accepts their own responsibility not to endanger theirself or others and actively to assist in fulfilling the requirements and spirit of the Act.

4. Responsibilities & Procedure

The Managing Director has overall responsibility for the safety in the Company and will monitor the safety policy on a regular basis. The Managing Director will be informed of Health and Safety matters to ensure that sufficient resources are available to provide any health and safety equipment, personal protective equipment, training where appropriate, provision of eye tests etc.

The Managing Director will:

Ensure that each new director and employee is given induction training in relation to Health & Safety and will be shown location of fire exits; fire fighting equipment; names of first aiders etc.
Ensure that all staff, associates and subcontractors are aware of this Health & Safety Policy.
Keep up-to-date with Health & Safety matters applicable to the operations of the Company and ensure that competent Health & Safety advice is available at all times.
Investigate all accidents and near misses with a view to prevention and report qualifying accidents to the Health & Safety Executive in accordance with RIDDOR.
Ensure that good house keeping standards are applied in the operation of the company’s premises and all company equipment is maintained in good and safe condition.
Carry out regular safety checks and audits.
Formally review and develop the company’s Health & Safety Policy and procedures on an annual basis.

Ian Gardner
Managing Director

Issued and Revised
August 2000
April 2002
September 2004
May 2006
June 2007

Safety Charter

Our  Safety Charter  covers the following areas.

1. Purchase of Goods and Services

Ennerdale Consulting will endeavour not to purchase products or services from companies and organisations who fail to uphold their obligations under the Health & Safety at Work Act or Approved Codes of Practice issued by the Health & Safety Executive.

Ennerdale Consulting:

Gives preference to suppliers who understand the importance of health & safety issues.
Where appropriate, obtains health & safety data from its main suppliers.

2. Education, Influence & Opinion Formation

Ennerdale Consulting takes an active role in assisting its clients and educating the public on health and safety issues. We will strive to lead by example and will co-operate with other professional and regulatory bodies where appropriate.

Ennerdale Consulting:

Demonstrates its commitment to health and safety by voluntarily adopting a formal policy statement.
Ensures that other parties involved in delivering our contracts and assignments will follow the example set by us.
Has a partnering relationship with a specialist health and safety consultancy - Quadriga Health & Safety Ltd - who act as advisors to the Managing Director (H&S Competent Person) and who assist the company in undertaking measures needed to ensure we comply with health and safety law. (MHSAWR - Regulation 7).
Funds and records training for its Managing Director and any employee in the Management of Health & Safety at Work.
Is a member of RoSPA - the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (Membership No M40601240).

3. Procedures

3.1 Accidents
Accidents shall be reported immediately to the Managing Director who will complete an accident report. An Accident Book is held at the Company’s main place of business. Where appropriate, qualifying accidents will be reported to the Health & Safety Executive in accordance with RIDDOR. Following any accident or near miss, the Managing Director will carry out a full review of the circumstances leading to the accident/ near miss and will implement corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence.

3.2 Audit & Inspection
The Managing Director will carry out an annual health & safety audit at the Company’s premises and will reassess the risks of undertaking Company Business at least on an annual basis.

3.3 Contractor and Associate Compliance
As part of the Company’s Insurance arrangements, Associates and Contractors are required to provide evidence of professional and technical competence, including awareness of Health & Safety obligations.

3.4 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Ennerdale Consulting will ensure the collection of up-to-date information of the toxicity and potential hazards of any substances used within the Company. This information will be available to those with a legitimate need. We:

Have assessed that as at the drafting and each subsequent revision of this policy statement, no substances that are considered to be hazardous to health are used by the Company.

3.5 Display Screen Equipment

It It is the Company’s policy to optimise the use and application of display screen equipment within the Organisation, whilst safeguarding the health, welfare and job satisfaction of those involved in using such equipment.

To secure the health and safety of our employees, in so far as is reasonably practicable,
the Company will:

Carry out an assessment of each workstation on a regular basis taking into account the display screen equipment, the furniture, the environment and the employee - this will be carried out by the Managing Director.
Take all necessary measures to remedy any risks found as a result of the assessment.
Review software to ensure it is suitable for the task.
Incorporate tasks within the working day to prevent intensive periods of on-screen activity.
Arrange for provision of eye tests every two years.
Arrange for any corrective appliance (spectacles or contact lenses) where these are required specifically for working with display screen equipment - the Company will contribute the sum of £100 for the standard frame/lenses - the employee may use this as a contribution towards more expensive models.

There is no prescribed frequency or duration of breaks from display screen work. The Managing Director will therefore use discretion to decide timing and extent of off-screen tasks. Employees who believe their workload at a display screen does not permit adequate breaks should inform the Managing Director.

Where a problem arises in the use of display screen equipment the employee must inform the Managing Director immediately. The Company will then take all necessary steps to ensure that corrective action is taken. Employees using display screens are not at risk from radiation and scientific research has concluded such concerns are unjustified. However, the company acknowledges that due to media reports a pregnant employee may feel anxious about working with such equipment. Any such person should consult with the Managing Director for further advice.

As part of a review of this Policy Statement a formal VDU Assessment has been carried out for workstation used by the Managing Director at the Company’s main place of business.

3.6 EC Working Time Regulations 1998
The Company will ensure that its employees are made aware of this piece of legislation and will ensure that excessive working is not permitted even where the provisions of the Regulations do not apply or where an employee elects to “opt out”.

3.7 Fire Safety & Emergency Procedures
The Company has a Fire Risk Assessment for its main place of business, has documented its findings and will review this from time to time. A portable fire extinguisher is accessible at the Company’s main place of business and in the vehicle used by the Managing Director.

Given the location of the Company’s main place of business, the number of employees and nature of the Company’s business operations, Fire Evacuation procedures are not required at the present time.

Where the Company is delivering training or facilitating meetings, seminars or away days, advice on evacuation in the event of fire or other emergencies will be provided to clients and those in attendance.

3.8 First Aid
First aid kits are stored at the Company’s premises and in the vehicle used by the Managing Director. These kits are inspected quarterly. The Company meets the cost of training in First Aid for its employees.

3.9 Health Surveillance
The company has considered its business operations and does not believe that health surveillance is necessary for its employees at this time. This position will be reviewed on an annual basis or at such time as there are significant changes in the company’s business operations.

3.10 Manual Handling
In carrying out his or her business a director, employee, contractor or associate may be required to carry items such as presentation equipment, training materials, copies of reports, documents etc. In such instances, consideration shall be given to safe handling and carrying approaches.

The Company has completed relevant Manual Handling Assessments for those business operations that involve lifting and carrying.

3.11 Personal Protective Equipment
The company will make available personal protective equipment for its employees and will require its associates and contractors to use the same where necessary.

3.12 Site Visits
All directors and staff are required to ensure that prior to attending any site meeting; appropriate consideration is given to the risks associated with the site in question. Specifically the Company requires directors, staff, associates, subcontractors and clients to have regard to the following risks:

Construction activities - in which case appropriate protective clothing shall be worn, including head, ear, eye and foot protection.
Attending meetings with the general public - in which case consideration shall be given to issues of personal safety.
Visiting estates and properties - in which case consideration shall be given to risks associated with dogs, tripping hazards, needles, asbestos, carbon monoxide, legionella, electric shock, gas explosion and theft.

In recognition of the risks associated with Lone Working, the Company provides a mobile phone for its Director and will supply the same for any employee, associate or subcontractor required to work alone where this equipment is not already available.

3.13 Storage of Materials
When storing materials, including documents, regard shall be had to possible injury caused through incorrect storage - including storage using insecure packaging, location of boxes causing tripping hazards and above head storage.

3.14 Travel
In travelling to or from assignments, directors, staff, associates and subcontractors are encouraged to use public transport wherever this is feasible. In the event that travel is by car, directors, staff, associates and subcontractors shall give consideration to:

Matters of insurance (ensuring that the driver is adequately insured for the business purposes himself and for the purposes of transporting any passengers).
Matters of vehicle condition (ensuring that the vehicle carries a valid MOT certificate, has tyres with tread of an appropriate depth and is otherwise road worthy).
Matters of taxation (ensuring that the vehicle is taxed).
Safe driving (ensuring that the driver is not under the influence of drink, drugs or anything likely to prevent due care and attention being given to the task of driving).
Mobile Phone use - the use of Mobile phones when driving is not only an offence under the Road Traffic Acts, but also a breach of this Health & Safety policy. Directors, staff, associates and subcontractors are advised to ensure that before taking or making mobile phone calls, their vehicle is safely parked and the engine is switched off.

In recognition of the risks associated with car travel, the Company has arranged for its Managing Director to pursue the Advanced Driving Certificate with the Institute of Advanced Motorists. The Company will similarly encourage and fund applications made by any employee that would benefit from such training.

3.15 Work Equipment (including Electrical Equipment)
In general, our relationship with Associates and Sub Contractors will not involve the supply of equipment. However, where the Company supplies a Director, employee, associate or subcontractor with work equipment. We:

Will ensure that any specific risks associated with the use of equipment supplied by the Company are assessed before it is issued.
Will carry out any necessary training, and provide such information as is necessary to ensure safe use of equipment.
Will ensure that equipment is serviceable and is properly maintained.
Expect users of equipment to carry out simple visual inspections of equipment prior to use to identify any obvious defects that would present a safety risk (e.g. frayed or burned electrical cables, jagged edges, open moving parts etc.) and not use equipment that appears to be unsafe.

In complying with this policy the Company will undertake Portable Electric Appliance Testing on a biannual basis.

4. Compliance with Legislation

Ennerdale Consulting will comply with current legislation, and will where appropriate highlight health and safety implications when providing advice to clients. We:

Undertake to comply with current legislation, so far as it is applicable to our business and we are made aware of our obligations.

5. Provision of Services

In providing services, the Company will have regard to this policy statement and to health & safety matters in general and will actively highlight any such matters arise during an assignment.

6. Insurance

The Company carries the following insurance:

Employers Liability
Public Liability
Products Liability
Professional Indemnity

In addition the Company ensures that Managing Director carries comprehensive vehicle insurance including cover for business use.

7. Directors, Employees and Associates

This policy will apply to all Directors, Employees, Associates and Sub Contractors while undertaking work on behalf of the Company. Any failure to comply with this policy or the legislation upon which it is based shall be prima facie grounds to terminate a contract of employment or contract for the provision of goods or services.

8. External Accreditation

Ennerdale Consulting will seek independent accreditation of our commitment to Health & Safety. We:

Are accredited by Constructionline.
Are compliant with the standards set through the Contractors Health & Safety Scheme (CHAS).